Monday, July 4, 2011

Do’s and Don'ts

Do's for Adoptive parents
1.Threat your child like any other kid. It may be difficult  and may take a while for adopted children to feel like they belong within their extended families. Treating your child like they are special helps them to feel at home and comfortable with their new environment.
2. Respect your child privacy; Adopted children have the same needs and  the right to privacy as you do. They do not want their entire life story being told to strangers. Discussing the intimate details of your child origins, will make him/her embarrassed.
3. Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s differences. One of the best things you can do to show your support as well as your love for the adopted child in your life is to learn about the culture and history of his/her birth country. 
Don'ts for Adoptive Parents
1. Don't introduce your child as adopted. This can make the child feel inferior, and creates feelings of never being considered part of the family.
2. Don't over say how "lucky" he/she is. After hearing many times, the child can feel like a lifelong charity case rather than the cherished child he/she is. Yes, your child is lucky, but so is any child who has a supportive, loving family.
3. Don't jump to conclusions about the birth mother. Often thought of as weak, irresponsible, cheap, and worthless, birth mothers often suffer a lifetime of pain far greater than that of childbirth. Please don't jump to the wrong conclusion that these women are any different than you or that they love their children less than you do.

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